To Caroline
I wasn't sure where we would land on the "is she outgoing" question. I spent months and months apologizing for your powerful shyness. Someone would look at you and you would turn and cry to me as if they had pinched you under the arm when I wasn't looking. Even grandparents! God forbid anyone at the grocery store smile at you; they would be rewarded with loud, dramatic tears. I got into the habit of going on autopilot when this happened by saying, "oh, she's just due for a nap" no matter what time of day or night it was. I worried you were leaving a trail of slightly offended, well-meaning adults behind you everywhere we went.
But now I am relieved to report that you have really turned a corner! You love people! Sometimes you still need a tiny warm-up period, but it doesn't take long before you are goofing around, trying to get their laughs and attention. You put your poor grandparents through the wringer, little girl, but I think they'll forgive you.
You really are so fun now. I mean, you drive me crazy since you cry over EVERY.LITTLE.THING (but you come by that naturally, so how can I fault you?), but you are truly the most fun two year old I have ever personally met. You are funny (and you laugh at other people's jokes, too), you are insightful, interesting, sincere, heartfelt, clever and creative. I love when you say, "Mommy, Cahyine's being see-wee (silly)" as if it wasn't obvious that hopping around like a frog at Target wasn't something serious people do. You have this bizarre accent that makes you sound like a Scottish Bugs Bunny -- "girl" is "gale," "four" is "foowah" and "here" is "heeyah." You talk more in a day than Daddy does in a week. And all this when you are just 2 -- imagine when you are 12!
Every day is a party with you, and I get the feeling that if it weren't, you'd make it one. I can learn a lot from you. Yes, you burst into tears at least a dozen times a day, usually over nothing. But you forgive easily and are eager to return to the party and pick up where you left off. I hope you never lose that, because it's so cool, and will make your days much happier! xo, Mommy
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